Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Color Purple Essay - 954 Words

An Analysis of three messages from The Color Purple â€Å"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are† Some people cant wait to grow up, whereas others want to hold onto the past and not see what is to come. Those people that hold onto the past or live in the past dont know how to move on. An author by the name Alice Walker(b. 1944) a woman that believed she could do a lot. Alice Walker wrote a book and it was also turned into a movie but a man stated, â€Å"the book — about the abuse and spiritual triumph of a black woman in the sharecropping American South†(Galanes) There is a movie called â€Å"The Color Purple† in this movie there is a girl by the name Celie. Celie has had a very hard life and she is not very courageous. This is one†¦show more content†¦One of the differences are that Celie had to endure it by herself instead of with a family to help her. Celie also finds Friendship in this story, one from her own sister Nettie a nd the other for Shug Avery. Celie and her sister we the closest, they were inseparable, they were always so happy to be with each other. The beginning of the movie starts with them in a field playing together, as they escape this field of purple flowers they are in the sunset and they do a handshake together. Every Time that they are together they do the handshake at least once. This just shows how close they are to each other. After a while Nettie and Celie are separated from each other, but Celie’s new husband Mr. Johnson soon brings back his first love, Shug Avery. Shug is a beautiful woman who sings amazingly, but to start she does not like Celie at all. But as they live together they grow together, Shug realizes that Celie and her share the same struggle. This struggle is Mr. Johnson and any man in their lives, every man that they know do not respect them and treat them like they are just robots. â€Å"Friends make the world a beautiful place†(Senior) If we did not have friends in our lives we would not have anyone to make memories with. We need friends so that we can have someone to relate to and to enjoy time with us. Finally â€Å"The Color Purple† shows the struggles that families face. Mostly just in that time of age. There was a vicious cycle of abuse in the families, whereShow MoreRelatedCritical Essay on the Color Purple1343 Words   |  6 PagesWalker’s Purple is Not Just a Color Alice Walker’s epistolary novel The Color Purple demonstrates how the mistreatment of a woman cannot prevent her from fulfilling her destiny. The protagonist and narrator of the novel, Celie, is a young, uneducated black girl who is verbally and sexually abused by her supposed father, Alphonso. He fathers two children with her, kidnapping both and presumably killing one, if not both. Because of the unwarranted trauma, she struggles for the rest of her lifeRead MoreEssay The Color Purple876 Words   |  4 Pages The Color Purple by Alice Walker is a very controversial novel, which many people found to be very offensive. It is basically the struggle for one woman’s independence. The main character in The Color Purple is Celie a coloured woman with little or no education at all. She is one who has been used and abused by all the men in her life, and because of these men, she has very little courage or ambition in her life. She has so little courage, that all she wants to do is just survive. Through the variousRead MoreThe Color Purple Essay1061 Words   |  5 PagesIn Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, Celie leads a life filled with abuse at the hands of the most important men in her life. 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